


Social Contribution

Kumho Polychem has placed the highest priority on practicing the “ethical management”
as the practical behavior pattern to maximize the values of the company
and has promoted voluntary activities in which the management and employees participate.

Direction of Promotion

Kumho Polychem works to change perceptions of our societal role, as well as how we contribute to society as a whole.
We are moving from participating in simple product support to more active mutual relationships in passive donation.
To encourage voluntary participation in social philanthropic activities, we circulate the “Detailed Rules for Voluntary Services Operation”, etc.,
which outlines the meaning of social volunteer work, the role of volunteers, and assessment and compensation, etc. for those who participate in volunteer work.
Additionally, in order to increase our expertise in philanthropic activities, we select and periodically implement beneficiary-oriented philanthropic themes related to business.

Key Activities

희망밥차 점심지원 및 식료품 꾸러미 전달

Food trucks for lunch, delivering food packages

결손가정 생필품 후원 및 겨울철 난방지원

Offering necessities to single parent families, support for winter heating

김장김치 나누기

Sharing kimchi

관내 공부방 시설개선

Improving study room facilities within our boundaries

1산 1하천 가꾸기 운동

Partaking in the “One Mountain, One River” campaign

대학생 문화예술지원 활동

Support for the arts for university students